The Beginning: Audrey’s Welsh cakes

Just a bit to say hello

Yes, I have become yet another blogger on your feed (I’m sorry). This blog however, is not your typical arty/philosophical/talk about life blogs because there’s plenty of them knocking about on the internet. I hope this blog will be something a bit different and offer help for anyone struggling to understand this baking lark. I don’t know how often I’ll post or how long this will last but I’ll try my best! My intention is to provide baking advice and recipes that will get people into this fun world of cakes, pastry, bread, and biscuits (the list could go on and on).

Today is an extremely snowy St David’s day and what better way to start off a blog than with a Welsh cake recipe that is perfect when you’re looking for something to do when you’re snowed in…


Before I get in to the details of the recipe there’s an important person I have to mention. Audrey. Those who know me know that my grandmother was a very special lady who made the best Welsh cakes in the valleys (yes, I’m biased). She was kind, generous, loving and the best grandmother a girl could ask for! She was the one who started me on this baking journey and I thought it would be fitting for her to start off my blogging journey too! – although I’m not sure if she would have quite understood what a blog was but yet again she’s gone ‘viral’.

Baking at Grandma’s

So, in honour of Audrey, here is the recipe for her famous Welsh cakes!

Audrey’s Welsh cakes

Makes 18 (roughly)                 Takes 40 mins


8oz Self Raising Flour

3oz Caster Sugar

2oz lard

2oz Margarine

1/2 tsp Nutmeg

1 Egg

2 cups Currants


  1. Use your hands to mix the flour, sugar and nutmeg together in a large bowl.
  2. Cut the fat into cubes then rub into the dry mix until it forms fine breadcrumbs.
  3. Add the egg and bind together until it forms a dough.
  4. Add the currants to the mix and fold until evenly distributed. At this point you can skip the currents if you don’t like fruit or split the mix into two and add 1 cup of currents to one half to have the best of both!
  5. Flour the surface and roll out the mixture 5-10mm thick. Cut out the Welsh cakes using a cutter and repeat until the dough is used up.
  6. Put the bake stone (or large frying pan) on a high heat until the pan is really hot. Place a few of Welsh cakes on the bake stone (leaving room for them to expand a little and to flip them) and turn the heat down to medium but it may need adjusting throughout to get them to brown. Cook for 2-3 minutes and check underneath for a golden brown colour before flipping to do the same with the other side.
  7. Once cooked, place on a rack and leave to cool for a while.
  8. When the Welsh cakes are almost but not completely cooled, place half in a plastic food bag and add a tbsp caster sugar. Give them a gentle shake to coat with sugar: then do the same with the other half.

Congratulations they should now look like this!


If they don’t, fear not, I’m here to help! feel free to send me a message; I’ll try my best to help you out and reply quickly. Similarly, if they have gone well I’d love to see the results!

You can message me on Facebook, twitter, Instagram or via email (it’s all on my contact page.)

That’s all I’ve got for now but keep an eye out for more recipes and I hope it was enjoyable for all!

lots of love,

Alice x

8 Comments Add yours

  1. Margaret llewellyn says:

    Thank you Alice!! And what a wonderful tribute to Gran!!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Rhian says:

    Brilliant Alice- i’m definitely going to give them a go. I’m already a big fan of your blog❤️. X

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Aww this is lovely Alice!! So excited to be part of your blogging adventure and to be craving all the delicious bakes 🙂 💕

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Cathrine says:

    Love this Alice! Brilliant first blog, well done. If you’re taking requests for recipes, I’d love Audrey’s coconut cake. I was lucky enough to taste it – delicious.
    I can’t wait for your next cake. Dda iawn, Dydd Gwyl Dewi Hapus x

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Gwynne Hughes says:

    Got the recipe, wondering what to do with the lard and margerine ?


    1. Alice Smith says:

      Oops! Thanks for pointing it out, it’s all updated now 😊


  6. Ruth says:

    I love the photo x when I came to your mothers 50th your grandmother kept offering me bread rolls even though I told her that I don’t eat bread !!! She just ignored my protests and kept waving the plate under my nose. It was hilarious and in the end I caved in. If she had offered me welsh cakes on the other hand …yum

    Liked by 1 person

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