Perfect Fluffy Pancakes

Just a bit to plug my instagram…

Hello! It’s already March 2020 and I’ve yet to post on here. I’ve been a busy bee making cakes to order to fundraise for a volunteer trip to India this September. If you do want to keep up to date with what’s coming out of my kitchen then follow @atthebakestone but be warned it may make you very hungry! I asked about a week or so ago if people would like me to post the recipe I use (taken from the good food website) for fluffy American-style pancakes because its taken me a while to find one that has simple ingredients that are easy to get hold of in the UK and are easy to do. The poll result was 100% yes so here we are!

Biscoff toppings are utterly indulgent but these go just as well with some fruit and maple syrup or my mother even has them with butter like Pikelets! A fun way to serve these for a big group is to make a big batch and put them out with a buffet of toppings so everyone can ‘make their own’. They will also keep for a few days and can be reheated so are easy to make in advance.

Perfect American-style Pancakes

Credit to Miriam Nice at BBC Good Food

Makes about 12 pancakes                Takes 20 mins


For the pancakes:

200g Self Raising Flour

1 1/2 tsp Baking Powder

1 tbsp Golden Caster Sugar


25g Melted Butter

3 Large Eggs

200ml Milk

Vegetable oil/ butter for cooking

For the toppings:

Here are my personal favourites to give you some inspiration…

  • Biscoff Pancakes:
    • Stack the pancakes and drizzle with melted Lotus spread, top with lotus ice cream, and biscoff biscuits.
  • Summer Berries:
    • Stack the pancakes, add a mixture of strawberries, blueberries and raspberries and drizzle with maple syrup (add some white choc chips if you’re feeling fancy)
  • Classic American style
    • Serve the pancakes with some crispy fried bacon and drizzle with maple syrup
  • Nutella
    • Spread Nutella over the pancakes while their still hot to allow it to melt. Add strawberries/raspberries, a broken up flake and some chopped hazelnuts.
  • Golden Syrup Pancakes
    • Serve the pancakes with a scoop of vanilla ice cream and generously drizzle with golden syrup
  • White Chocolate
    • Drizzle the pancakes with melted white chocolate then serve with some fruit of if you want a sugar high add some kinder bueno!


  1. In a large bowl, mix together the flour, baking powder, sugar and a pinch of salt. Using a spoon, create a well in the centre of the bowl then add the melted butter, eggs and milk and whisk together (you don’t need to use an electric whisk for this, by hand is fine)
  2. Heat a small knob of butter and a small amount of vegetable oil in a non-stick frying pan. Once the butter is melted and bubbling, ladle the pancake mix on to the pan in rounds. (TIP: Be careful not to put them too close together as they will spread and don’t put too much mix or you’ll end up with giant pancakes. I find one scoop of a ladle is more than enough) Cook for 1-2 minutes until brown underneath and tiny bubbles appear on top of the surface, flip the pancake and cook on the other side for another minute or until they are browned and cooked through. Repeat until all the mixture is used up.
  3. Serve with whatever toppings your heart desires!

If you need any help feel free to send me a message, I’d love to see your topping choices so tag me in your bakes on Facebook, twitter, Instagram or via email (it’s all on my contact page.)

Thanks for reading!

lots of love,

Alice x

1 Comments Add yours

  1. Marion williams says:

    Do you need a taster person? I’m available at no cost lol xx

    Liked by 1 person

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