Fancy Free Flapjacks

Just a bit of support

Hello, times are very strange right now and most of us will find ourselves stuck in the house perhaps trying to find ways to fill time with no certainty as to when things will go back to normal and what that normal will look like. It’s a very scary thought but I personally am going to use the time to do things I say will ‘at some point’, one of those is this blog which I always put on the back burner.

I hope that this may also be of some use to people whose ‘at some point’ was to learn to bake, or those of you who are reluctant to face the shops and want to use up things in the cupboard, or maybe you’re just looking for some way to keep kids entertained. I’ve been sent some requests for recipes so I’ll make my way through them bit by bit, feel free to send me even more as I may be stuck in for a while.

You should know that this recipe is super flexible! you can put any fruits/nuts/chocolate etc. that you like into them and it uses mostly what you may already have in the cupboard. Be warned the mix below makes a HUGE batch (I had to use two trays) so feel free to do half the mix or give some away to your neighbours!


Makes 2 trays                Takes 45 mins


920g Rolled Oats

140g Sugar (I used golden granulated but you can use any sugar you have)

900g Golden Syrup (you can also use honey or any sticky substitute)

450g Margarine (you can make it veggie/vegan by using a spread substitute)

1/2 tsp Cinnamon

1 tsp Salt

2 tsp Vanilla Extract

100g Dark Chocolate chips (or your alternative e.g. apricots, raisins, nuts)


  1. Set the oven to 160°C /150°C fan
  2. Grease and line 1 or 2 Baking tray(s)
  3. Mix the Oats, sugar, cinnamon and salt in a large mixing bowl
  4. In a saucepan, melt together the golden syrup, margarine and vanilla extract until liquid.
  5. Create a well in the dry mixture and pour in the melted golden syrup and butter then thoroughly mix together.
  6. Now add the chocolate chips (or whatever you are using) and fold in but not too much or they will melt in the heat of the mixture.
  7. Spread the mix onto the tray(s) ensuring that it is relatively even.
  8. Pop in the oven for 30 mins or until golden brown on top.
  9. Leave to cool completely in the trays then cut up (TIP: you can also drizzle chocolate on top once they’re out of the oven)

The Flapjacks will keep up to 4 weeks if stored in an airtight container or you can freeze them and they’ll keep for 2 months!

You can message me on Facebook, twitter, Instagram or via email (it’s all on my contact page) if you have anymore requests or just want some ideas.

lots of love,

Alice x

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