Pink Pickled Onions

Just a bit of intro

I first made these pink pickled onions at Christmas to go with a seafood starter. The recipe is pretty flexible in terms of quantities, you can wing it depending on the size of the jar and amount of onions but this should give you a good idea. These are really easy pickled onions to whip up and only take a few minutes. They also don’t need long in the pickling liquid to be ready to eat as they’re cut thin.

Pickled Red Onion

Makes 1 large jar                 Takes 5 mins


2 Red onions

2tbsp sugar

1tsp salt

1tsp Peppercorns

1/2 cup White malt vinegar

1/2 cup White wine vinegar

1 cup Boiling water


  1. Finely chop the onions. This can be as rings, half moons or diced.
  2. Pop the onions in a jar with the sugar, salt and peppercorns.
  3. Pour the two vinegars into the jar with the onions so its about half full, you can add more if necessary. Put the cup of boiling water in too so that the onions are covered with the pickling liquid.
  4. Put the lid on the jar and give it a shake. Keep in the fridge.

Hope you enjoyed this super quick and easy recipe for pickled onions! They go well with cold meats and scotch eggs… (this may be a clue to my next post.)

lots of love,

Alice x

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