Supersized Scotch Eggs

Just a bit to forewarn

I’m calling these supersized because they are huuuuuuuge and are more of a ‘treat yourself’ make than a regular thing. Although these scotch eggs are extremely tasty, they are not the easiest or quickest of things to make. If you love your savoury though they’re definitely worth a go and are far superior to the supermarket ones!

With this recipe you can do the messiest stages ahead of time (i.e. covering with meat and breadcrumbs) and can then be stored in the fridge overnight so that they are ready to be fried before serving. I’d highly recommend serving these with the mayo and pink pickled onions I’ve posted previously and maybe a bit of salad to make it feel a little bit healthy… These can also be made ahead of time and will last quite a while if kept in the fridge.

Scotch Egg

Makes 8                 Takes 1.5 hours


11 large eggs (three will be used for the coating)

450g Sausage meat

340g Ground pork

1 tsp Dried herbs (I used a mix of thyme, chives, parsley and sage)

1/4tsp Ground nutmeg

1tbsp Dijon mustard

Sea salt


2tbsp Milk

6tbsp Plain Flour

250g Breadcrumbs

Vegetable oil


  1. Put 8 eggs into a saucepan of cold water, ensuring the water goes up to about an inch above the eggs. Bring to a rolling boil then immediately turn the heat to low and simmer for 4 mins.
  2. Transfer the eggs into an ice bath (a large bowl filled with ice and water) straight away to stop them cooking. Leave for 10 mins and then peel the shell off. (TIP: to peel the eggs, gently crack the top and bottom on a work surface before rolling the middle.)
  3. In a large mixing bowl, add the sausage meat, minced pork, mustard, herbs, nutmeg, and season with salt and pepper. Combine the mix with your hands until everything is evenly distributed. Divide into 8 balls.
  4. Take 3 shallow bowls to do your coating. In the first bowl put the flour with a pinch of salt and pepper. In the next bowl, put the remaining eggs with the milk and whisk a little with a fork. In the final bowl, put your breadcrumbs.
  5. Cut out two squares of clingfilm, put one on the work surface then place a meatball on it and pop the other square of clingfilm on top again. Using a rolling pin or your hands, flatten out the ball so that it is big enough to go around the eggs. (It should be a sandwiched between the clingfilm so it’s less messy.) Peel the top layer of clingfilm off before use. repeat this for all 8 meatballs.
  6. Roll one of the peeled eggs in flour before placing in the centre of the meat. Wrap the meat around the egg ensuring you seal it. Wet your hands slightly with water to smooth and mould it into shape.
  7. Roll the ball into the flour, then egg, then breadcrumbs, then back into the egg and then breadcrumbs again (so you have a double coating). Place on a tray or plate ready to be fried. repeat steps 6 and 7 for all the eggs.
  8. Fill a deep and fairly large pan with vegetable oil, enough to cover the tops of the eggs (about 3 inches). Heat up the oil on medium-high and test using a few breadcrumbs that they sizzle but don’t burn, before gently popping in the scotch eggs. It’s best to cook them 2 at a time. Cook the eggs for 5-7 mins so that they are crisp and a dark golden colour. (TIP: don’t take them out too early or they won’t be cooked through so if you find they brown too quick, just turn down the heat on the stove.)
  9. Once browned and cooked through, take them out and sit them on a plate/tray with some kitchen roll to soak up the excess grease.

If you do fancy making the mayo and pickled onions to go with them then the recipes can be found here:

lots of love,

Alice x

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