Sunday Sticky Toffee

Just a bit of intro

To me, a sticky toffee pudding is a British classic. It reminds me of those Sundays when you’ve eaten a huuugggeee roast and can’t possibly eat another bite, and then you see a sticky toffee pudding and suddenly have room for dessert. This was requested by someone on Instagram so let’s jump straight in to the recipe.

Sticky Toffee Pudding

Serves 8                 Takes 40 mins


for the pudding:

175g pitted dates, roughly chopped

1 teabag

1tsp bicarbonate of soda

1tsp vanilla extract

175g lightly salted butter/ margarine (plus extra for greasing)

50g dark muscovado sugar

50g soft light brown sugar

2 eggs

100ml milk

175g self raising flour

For the sauce:

150ml double cream

100g dark muscovado sugar

75g butter


  1. Pour 150ml boiling water over the dates, tea bag and bicarbonate of soda and set aside to soak for 10 mins.
  2. Remove the teabag, add the vanilla extract and mash the mixture with a fork.
  3. Preheat the oven to 180°C/ fan 160°C/ Gas Mark 4. Butter a 20 x 30cm tin or ceramic dish.
  4. Beat the butter with both the muscovado sugars until smooth. Beat in the eggs, followed by the milk and the date mix, beating well each time (the mixture may split, but will come together when you add the flour). 
  5. Sieve in the flour and fold. Pour into the dish or tin and smooth the top. Bake for 35 mins until golden and risen.
  6. Meanwhile, make the sauce. Gently heat the cream, sugar and butter in a pan set over a low heat, stirring often until smooth.
  7. Using a skewer, poke holes in the top of the cooked sponge as soon as it is removed from the oven, and spoon over half of the sauce.
  8. Let the sponge sit for 10 mins then cut into 8. Serve warm, with the extra sauce and cream or ice cream!

lots of love,

Alice x

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