Coffee Walnut Blondies

Just a bit of intro This recipe is a modern twist on a coffee walnut sponge. Brownies and blondies are so popular these days and for good reason; They’re easy to make, transport well and their dense texture mean they last better than a light sponge. I went all out on decoration for this one…

Sunday Sticky Toffee

Just a bit of intro To me, a sticky toffee pudding is a British classic. It reminds me of those Sundays when you’ve eaten a huuugggeee roast and can’t possibly eat another bite, and then you see a sticky toffee pudding and suddenly have room for dessert. This was requested by someone on Instagram so…

Blueberry Muffins: A love letter to coffee shops

Just a bit of context I am a big fan of coffee shops. I love sitting with a cup of coffee and a cake, people watching (not in a creepy way to be clear, just observing my surroundings) or putting the world to rights with a friend. I’ve really missed it during lockdown, there’s not…