Supersized Scotch Eggs

Just a bit to forewarn I’m calling these supersized because they are huuuuuuuge and are more of a ‘treat yourself’ make than a regular thing. Although these scotch eggs are extremely tasty, they are not the easiest or quickest of things to make. If you love your savoury though they’re definitely worth a go and…

Pink Pickled Onions

Just a bit of intro I first made these pink pickled onions at Christmas to go with a seafood starter. The recipe is pretty flexible in terms of quantities, you can wing it depending on the size of the jar and amount of onions but this should give you a good idea. These are really…

Super Simple Sausage Rolls

Just a bit to check in I hope you all had a great easter despite being stuck in, unable to visit loved ones! I know everyone is struggling to get hold if certain items at the moment so this recipe only has 4 ingredients, that you can get from any supermarket without too much of…