Sunday Sticky Toffee

Just a bit of intro To me, a sticky toffee pudding is a British classic. It reminds me of those Sundays when you’ve eaten a huuugggeee roast and can’t possibly eat another bite, and then you see a sticky toffee pudding and suddenly have room for dessert. This was requested by someone on Instagram so…

Supersized Scotch Eggs

Just a bit to forewarn I’m calling these supersized because they are huuuuuuuge and are more of a ‘treat yourself’ make than a regular thing. Although these scotch eggs are extremely tasty, they are not the easiest or quickest of things to make. If you love your savoury though they’re definitely worth a go and…

Pink Pickled Onions

Just a bit of intro I first made these pink pickled onions at Christmas to go with a seafood starter. The recipe is pretty flexible in terms of quantities, you can wing it depending on the size of the jar and amount of onions but this should give you a good idea. These are really…

Make Your Own Mayo

Just some thoughts on the topic I have never made my own mayo before nor did it ever really appeal to me. I always thought it looked like so much effort and elbow grease when Hellman’s would probably taste just as good. HOW WRONG I WAS. Making mayo from scratch was so straightforward and the…

Blueberry Muffins: A love letter to coffee shops

Just a bit of context I am a big fan of coffee shops. I love sitting with a cup of coffee and a cake, people watching (not in a creepy way to be clear, just observing my surroundings) or putting the world to rights with a friend. I’ve really missed it during lockdown, there’s not…

My ‘Famous’ Brownies

Just a bit to say thank you I recently surpassed 100 followers on instagram which I am extremely grateful for, it may not seem a lot but it means a lot for me to see that people are enjoying my content! I hosted a giveaway of these brownies to celebrate the occasion, it gathered a…

Super Simple Sausage Rolls

Just a bit to check in I hope you all had a great easter despite being stuck in, unable to visit loved ones! I know everyone is struggling to get hold if certain items at the moment so this recipe only has 4 ingredients, that you can get from any supermarket without too much of…

Homemade Hot Cross Buns

Just a bit to say Happy Easter! Today is a glorious Good Friday, I woke up to a breakfast of homemade hot cross buns with real welsh salted butter and freshly brewed coffee, enjoyed by sitting out in the garden. What a way to start the day. This is my first time making hot cross…

‘Blondies’ have more fun

Just a bit of intro Blondies v. Brownies the age old rivalry between chocolate lovers and vanilla lovers. I put it to my instagram via poll and blondies came out on top as to what people wanted me to cook but like Brexit, the result was ever so close. What do you prefer? The traditional…

Salted Nutella Cookies

Just a bit of intro I tried this recipe from Tanya Burr’s book a few weeks back and it was so quick and easy to do thought I’d share! These are really simple to make but have delicious results so if you’re a beginner and love Nutella definitely give these a try. I’m here as…