Coffee Walnut Blondies

Just a bit of intro This recipe is a modern twist on a coffee walnut sponge. Brownies and blondies are so popular these days and for good reason; They’re easy to make, transport well and their dense texture mean they last better than a light sponge. I went all out on decoration for this one…

Sunday Sticky Toffee

Just a bit of intro To me, a sticky toffee pudding is a British classic. It reminds me of those Sundays when you’ve eaten a huuugggeee roast and can’t possibly eat another bite, and then you see a sticky toffee pudding and suddenly have room for dessert. This was requested by someone on Instagram so…

Blueberry Muffins: A love letter to coffee shops

Just a bit of context I am a big fan of coffee shops. I love sitting with a cup of coffee and a cake, people watching (not in a creepy way to be clear, just observing my surroundings) or putting the world to rights with a friend. I’ve really missed it during lockdown, there’s not…

Biscoff Birthday Cake

Just a Bit to say sorry… First, I would just like to apologise for not posting much in 2018! My New Year’s resolution for 2019 was to blog more but considering it’s nearing the end of February, I haven’t done very well so far… BUT there are 10 months to make up for it and I promise…

Easy Easter Cupcakes

Just a bit to say thank you I am utterly grateful for the support I received on the first post and all the kind words sent about my grandmother. I’m shocked at how many people read the post and sincerely hope you all enjoy this one and the ones that follow just as much! Easter…

The Beginning: Audrey’s Welsh cakes

Today is an extremely snowy St David’s day and what better way to start off a blog than with a Welsh cake recipe that is perfect when you’re looking for something to do when you’re snowed in…