The ‘Pie-lette’: Three Plum Pie

The facts were these… If you ever watched and loved the show ‘Pushing Daisies’ then welcome to this very niche club. This quirky, Wes Anderson style TV show was a favourite of mine as a child that consequently had a bigger impact on my personality than I first realised. Rewatching it now as a 22…

Balsamic Peaches

Just a quick one This recipe is probably one of the most simple, yet delicious things you can make in hardly any time at all. It sounds incredibly fancy but really it only takes four ingredients thrown together. I’m saying to use peaches but any fruit of that variety will work e.g. nectarines or plums….

Homemade Hot Cross Buns

Just a bit to say Happy Easter! Today is a glorious Good Friday, I woke up to a breakfast of homemade hot cross buns with real welsh salted butter and freshly brewed coffee, enjoyed by sitting out in the garden. What a way to start the day. This is my first time making hot cross…

Mother's Day Crumble

Just a bit to say Happy Mother’s Day! A quick shout out to my mother Cath today, she’s often sous chef when I’m baking and allows me to make a lot of mess in her kitchen! I’m lucky enough to be spending today with my mother but I know not everyone can pandemic or no…

The Beginning: Audrey’s Welsh cakes

Today is an extremely snowy St David’s day and what better way to start off a blog than with a Welsh cake recipe that is perfect when you’re looking for something to do when you’re snowed in…