Super Simple Sausage Rolls

Just a bit to check in I hope you all had a great easter despite being stuck in, unable to visit loved ones! I know everyone is struggling to get hold if certain items at the moment so this recipe only has 4 ingredients, that you can get from any supermarket without too much of…

Homemade Hot Cross Buns

Just a bit to say Happy Easter! Today is a glorious Good Friday, I woke up to a breakfast of homemade hot cross buns with real welsh salted butter and freshly brewed coffee, enjoyed by sitting out in the garden. What a way to start the day. This is my first time making hot cross…

The Beginning: Audrey’s Welsh cakes

Today is an extremely snowy St David’s day and what better way to start off a blog than with a Welsh cake recipe that is perfect when you’re looking for something to do when you’re snowed in…