Coffee Walnut Blondies

Just a bit of intro This recipe is a modern twist on a coffee walnut sponge. Brownies and blondies are so popular these days and for good reason; They’re easy to make, transport well and their dense texture mean they last better than a light sponge. I went all out on decoration for this one…

Viennese Biscuits

Just a word from me The Great British Bake Off is back on our television sets and if you’re anything like me after watching an episode, you’ll be craving whatever they bake for the rest of the week. This week is biscuit week and i’ve got you covered. these are really easy to make and…

Blueberry Muffins: A love letter to coffee shops

Just a bit of context I am a big fan of coffee shops. I love sitting with a cup of coffee and a cake, people watching (not in a creepy way to be clear, just observing my surroundings) or putting the world to rights with a friend. I’ve really missed it during lockdown, there’s not…

My ‘Famous’ Brownies

Just a bit to say thank you I recently surpassed 100 followers on instagram which I am extremely grateful for, it may not seem a lot but it means a lot for me to see that people are enjoying my content! I hosted a giveaway of these brownies to celebrate the occasion, it gathered a…

Homemade Hot Cross Buns

Just a bit to say Happy Easter! Today is a glorious Good Friday, I woke up to a breakfast of homemade hot cross buns with real welsh salted butter and freshly brewed coffee, enjoyed by sitting out in the garden. What a way to start the day. This is my first time making hot cross…

‘Blondies’ have more fun

Just a bit of intro Blondies v. Brownies the age old rivalry between chocolate lovers and vanilla lovers. I put it to my instagram via poll and blondies came out on top as to what people wanted me to cook but like Brexit, the result was ever so close. What do you prefer? The traditional…

Poppyseed Bloomer and Rolls

Just a bit of intro I was sent a request for bread recipes so whilst I can’t make any white bread myself (no bread flour in sight on the supermarket shelves) here’s one I made a while ago, taken from the GBBO Big book of Baking. You can make 12 poppy seed rolls and one…

Fancy Free Flapjacks

Just a bit of support Hello, times are very strange right now and most of us will find ourselves stuck in the house perhaps trying to find ways to fill time with no certainty as to when things will go back to normal and what that normal will look like. It’s a very scary thought…

Perfect Fluffy Pancakes

Just a bit to plug my instagram… Hello! It’s already March 2020 and I’ve yet to post on here. I’ve been a busy bee making cakes to order to fundraise for a volunteer trip to India this September. If you do want to keep up to date with what’s coming out of my kitchen then…